News and insights brought to you by the International Diabetes Federation

Woman sitting, writing and thinking

Is poetry is the perfect genre to translate the experience of chronic illness?  We received the following poetic contribution from Michael Yafi, MD, Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at McGovern Medical School at The University of Texas Health Science Center (USA).  Poetry can alleviate stigma and deepen awareness.  There’s a lot that can be expressed in a small space—facts, emotion, honesty, frustration and even a little humour.

Diabetes Voice has presented artistic interpretations of diabetes before; Appleton’s artwork is one example.  If you would like to contribute a special interpretation of diabetes through the visual arts, film or writing, please contact us here.  In the meantime, enjoy “Diabetes—a poem.”

Diabetes—a poem

Drinking a lot
Peeing a lot
Is it my body?
Or the weather is hot?

Go to the doctor,  people say
Maybe I can wait another day
I don’t like hospitals anyway
But still need to know if I am okay

So, it seems that my pancreas is lazy
Don’t say diabetes,  it drives me crazy. Sugar diabetes,  I detest you You made my vision and life hazy

Testing blood sugar is not fun
Day after day, I’m never done
How to know what to eat?
While my sugars continue to jump and run

Feeling locked,  maybe I am “low ”
And when “high” I’ m tired and slow
My beta cells are on strike
They permanently cut the insulin flow

Tell me pharmacist: is this number a price or a date?
Paying for insulin, something I hate
So expensive, and no one cares
Diabetes, no doubt, is a pricey fate

Insulin pumps can talk to iPhone
Continuous sensors can detect the ketone. If the technology is so advanced Why couldn’t it make a beta cell clone?

Despite a diagnosis harsh and dure
I remain positively sure
Science will concur the despair
And one day we will have a CURE

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